Finalizing the Course
Hello! Here's my final post of this term. I'm going to talk about the courrse shortly. Firstly, this course is a great follow-up to the last year's educational technologies course as it has allowed me to see how I can use the knowledge as a teacher. So, I'd say this link is a big strength of the course. Also, I believe the detailed instructions our instructor gave us made the course easier than it could have been. My favourite among the tasks we've done is the AR/VR material preparation, simply because it is more interesting, with the multimedia and the immersivity it includes. The one task I did not enjoy was the flipped classroom project because it was extra difficult to do with a partner. It was hard to find the right time and place for both of us to record the lesson. But this task and the corpus project is the first ones that come to my mind when I think about which ones I would use in my teaching career. That's all I wanted to say. Tha...