My Wiki Experience
Hello everyone! I am back to tell you about my wiki experience. Our class were given an assignment where we were supposed to write a movie review on a wiki page. My partner in the assignment was Ali and he suggested the movie we could review, Good Will Hunting. It is a movie that I watched a few years ago; so, it was nice to go back and take a look at it again. The teacher shared an instruction document with us, including a review outline. Ali and I divided the review outline and wrote the paragraphs we each wanted to write. I suggested that we could pick one aspect of the movie to comment on. Ali chose writing about the actors and I chose the structure. We completed the rest collaboratively. Then, we joined our paragraphs and uploaded the finished review on the wiki page. Then, I wrote comments on our other classmates' reviews. Writing the comments was the most fun part of the assignment. I also loved readi...